Kangwon National University Hospital



Rehabilitation Medicine

Rehabilitation Medicine Image

The Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine examines and treats people with functional disabilities. This is a field that helps people that have become disabled due to various diseases and accidents live their lives without asking for someone else’s assistance by developing their physical, psychological, social as well as potential abilities as much as possible. Rehabilitation medicine promotes the improvement of patients’ quality of life.

Although average life expectancy has increased as a result of medical development, people of all genders and ages   suffers  from a greater number of chronic and degenerative diseases. In addition, many people have to live their lives with disabilities caused by accidents or diseases. Therefore, the importance of rehabilitation medicine is growing gradually.

  • Target Diseases
    • Diseases of the Central Nervous System : Stroke, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy
    • Peripheral nerve disorders
    • All patients experiencing difficulties in walking or everyday activities due to problems in muscle, joint and skeletal systems